Monday, June 1, 2009

Anti aging skin care

Change is the basic concept of life. Everything changes with time and so does the skin. Since the time a baby is born the skin starts responding to internal genes and external factors that leads to noticeable changes to the skin at different age groups.

Aging is a natural and continuous process that enables the skin to turn dry, uneven, rough and dull. The maintenance era of skin care actually begins at 30s because at this age the skin’s natural activities decrease. So, if one wants to have a young and fresh looking skin at the age of 50, it is very essential to go for an effective anti aging treatment regimen.

There are two types of aging, intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging. Intrinsic or internal aging is due to genetic code, inadequate secretion of oil from sebaceous glands, slow production of collagen and decreased turnover of new skin cells. Along with the natural aging process, some of the extrinsic or external factors also lead to premature aging of the skin. The primary factor that prematurely ages the skin is exposure to sun. This type of aging is termed as photo aging. Prolonged exposure to ultra violet rays of the sun leads to breakdown of elastin fibers that enables the skin to become saggy and loose its elasticity. Other external factors that contribute to skin aging include stress, obesity, gravity, repetitive facial expression, sleeping position, dietary intake as well as lifestyle.

Anti aging skin care supplements help to slow down the aging process and provide necessary moisture to firm up and tone the skin texture. The most common ingredients found in almost all the anti aging supplements are Vitamins A, C, E and D, choline, calcium, copper, iodine, zinc, phosphorous, lecithin, DNA, RNA, anti-oxidants, protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, food grade collagen and amino acids. These ingredients make the collagen fiber stronger, reduce wrinkles and augments smoothness.

In tropical countries like India, dehydration results in dry, rough, wrinkled and saggy skin. Here the best aid is the use of beta hydroxyl acid as it increases sun sensitivity by 50%. Daily application of this acid helps in improving wrinkles and pigmentation of photodamaged skin. Alpha hydroxyl acid is also used widely to improve tone and texture of the skin. But beta acid is more beneficial than alpha as alpha hydroxyl acids cause skin irritation while beta acid works smoothly on the skin.

In India, Ayurveda and herbal treatments are popular since ancient times. Herbs like Ginseng, Rhodiola Rosea, Jiaogulan, Ashwagandha, Maca, Grapes Seed Extract, Lavender, Reishi Mushroom, Jujube Fruit, Lycii Berry and Hu Zhang are used in anti aging treatment in various different forms like medicine, oil, soap, ointments, creams and gels. The primary function of all the herbs is to prevent the signs of aging, improve the clarity of the skin and provide a radiant and vibrant skin.

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