Monday, June 1, 2009

dry skin care

Dry skin is the result of hormonal changes and decreased activity of sebaceous glands. The inadequate oil secretion damages the hydro-lipid barrier of the skin that prevents bacteria, infection and other foreign substance from entering the body. This natural protective barrier is made of natural oils, sebum and natural moisturizing factors. Hence, the decreased activity of the oil glands will obviously lead to loss of moisture, cracked skin, peeling and itchiness.

There are various other factors also that can cause dry skin. The major factors are genetic condition, dietary habits, extreme weather conditions, prolonged exposure to sun, excessive bathing with harsh soaps and detergents, dehydration, frequent cleansing, intake of alcohols and drugs, hypothyroid, swimming and smoking. Dry skin looks rough, uneven, patchy and dull. So, it is very essential to protect the skin from loss of moisture. One must find ways to replenish and hydrate the skin cells to obtain a youthful, smooth and healthy skin.

The first step for any type of skin care is cleansing. Clean the dry skin with any mild cleanser using lukewarm water. Don’t bathe with hot water for a prolonged period of time because that will cause wrinkles. Apply a creamy moisturizer after bathing. The dry skin care products should be composed from naturally extracted ingredients. Arouge is a specifically designed product for dry skin, which was originated in Japan. It is usually found in the form of foam that can be sprayed on the skin to deliver the required moisture without scrubbing it all over the face.

In India, people are using various herbs to curb the problems occurring as a result of dry skin. The most common herbs used for the purpose are Aloe Vera, Calendula, Comfrey, Lavender, Peppermint, Camomile and Borage. Aloe Vera heals all the skin problems and gives a soothing effect to the skin. Calendula, Comfrey and Lavender have skin softening properties. Peppermint, Borage and Camomile tea improves the skin by killing the internal bacteria and other foreign substances. In many Indian homes some of the essential oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil, sandalwood, geranium, jasmine, olive oil, avocado, neroli and rose are also used to rejuvenate ageing and dry skin. A combination of milk and honey also work wonders on dry areas of the skin. Some women also apply apple juice on the skin that gives an even texture and fresh look.

In order to maintain the skin healthy and kill internal bacteria, it is also vital to intake healthy oils, foods rich in vitamins, minerals and sulfur. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts. Along with a good nutritious diet drink lots and lots of water for deep penetration, hydration of skin cells and lasting moisturization.

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