Thursday, May 7, 2009


Using sunscreen is not a guarantee that you won’t tan, but it is important for the protection of your skin against harmful UV rays. If you don’t want to tan, I could only suggest you wear sunscreen, clothing, a hat, and sunglasses. Also, ensure your skin is adequately hydrated after any exposure to the sun. Moisturising your skin is so important to prevent skin damage from the sun.

Whiteheads are caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum or oil, in the pores of the skin. They can be caused by diet, hormones, or unclean skin. There are many ways you can eliminate them.

I would probably suggest steaming your skin to clean the pores. You can do this by putting your face over a saucepan/bowl of boiled water, with a towel over your head (to keep the steam in). When the whiteheads have softened, prick the apex with a clean, sterilised needle. Then put your fingers on either side of the whitehead and press gently and apply pressure. This should dislodge the whitehead. NEVER USE YOUR FINGERNAILS - THIS MAY CAUSE SCARRING. They key is gentle pressure.

To prevent them returning and to help your skin, drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruit. A basic rule is to make sure you remove all makeup before you go to bed.

It is important to cleanse, tone, and moisturise twice a day (morning and night), and to exfoliate at least twice a week. This is important if you get whiteheads and blackheads regularly. There are a number of exfoliants available on the market, or you could make up your own home remedy. A facial mask might also be a good idea… but don’t do this too often - once a week, tops.

You could try using topical treatments, like those that contain benzyl peroxide or witch hazel, on the affected areas, but do this after you have cleaned your skin. Don’t overuse these products, however, as they may dry out your skin.

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